Becoming Festa President was not something I thought I would ever do. However, about two and half years ago I met someone who changed my life and well, here we stand about to host the 113th Festa do Espírito Santo! This community has given our families so much, especially the honor of being the 2023 Festa Presidents.
We both have a long history with the hall and Festa. My grandparents, Manuel and Virginia Ribeiro hosted the Festa in 1976 with my mother, Melanie Sardina (Ribeiro) as Queen. Cici’s Great Grandparents, Manuel and Maria Nazare Rosa hosted the Festa in 1935, 1942, and 1944 with her grandmother, Mary Rosa as Queen. Cici’s parents, Paul and Maria Stanley, also hosted the Festa in 1996 with her sister Mariel Filippone as Queen. Many of our immediate family members have served on the board (including Cici) and am very proud to say my grandfather, Manuel Ribeiro, was Hall president.
To say the UPSES Hall and Festa have been a part of our families would be an understatement. Eva, Dylan, Nicolas, Cici and I are indeed honored to be in this position; a position to honor the past, enjoy the present, and lead into the future.
112 years of celebrating faith, culture, family, and traditions does not happen by chance. To the countless men and women who came before us and allowed us to have this opportunity, we offer two things. First, we offer thanks, thank you for taking the chance and settling in San Diego, creating a community that has lasted over a century. Thank you for setting roots; for building not only a community of people but a place for us to call home, the UPSES Hall. Thank you for being leaders and pillars of our community. The example you have set along the way has allowed us to continue this incredible legacy. Second, and most importantly, we promise to do our part to keep the faith, culture, family, and traditions moving forward for another 112 years.
Cici and I are truly honored and thank all those in our community who make these Festas, fundraisers, and community what it is, our volunteers. To our board, cooks, bakers, servers, bartenders, dress makers, parade workers, sign makers, florists, priests, office workers, booth workers, security, and our sponsors and donors, and everyone else behind the scenes; we want you to know we would not be able to do this without each and every one of you. Obrigado!
Lastly, we ask for your prayers for a successful and beautiful Festa. We hope to see you at many events and cannot wait for Festa 2023!
Ted and Cici Drummond