
2818 Avenida De Portugal, San Diego, CA 92106

+1 619 223 5880

2021 Festa Queen

Queen Jaquelyn Neves - 2021

I am honored to represent the hall as Queen, and by the grace of God I will do my best to serve our incredible Portuguese community.

I am honored to have been chosen to be queen for our 2021 Festa and carry on the traditions of Queen St. Isabel for the one hundred and eleventh year. Our traditions mean so much to our hall and our community and I am excited to help carry them forward. I pour my heart into our hall and our traditions because I want to see our community grow and stay strong for the future. I am honored to represent the hall as Queen, and by the grace of God I will do my best to serve our incredible Portuguese community. Being Queen is something I have dreamed about since I was a young girl, and that dream is coming true.

Being a part of this community has always been a huge part of my life, and my Portuguese heritage means the world to me. From a Portuguese American dancer since the age of five years old, to a board of director, and a volunteer for many years I have come to admire everything we stand for. I give all I can to this community and yet I still wish I could do even more for our beautiful hall, the corner stone of our community. I am truly grateful for this amazing opportunity. I hope to inspire other young members of our community to become more involved and active so our traditions are preserved for generations to come.

I am excited to be a part of something so incredible and give thanks to the Espirito Santo for blessing me with this opportunity. Our Festa will be different due to the Pandemic, but I am still eager to celebrate our 2021 Festa to praise God for the many blessings he has bestowed upon me and our community.

Festa Week

Festa Friday

Festa Saturday

Festa Sunday

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