Never in our wildest dreams did we think our family would be here again accepting another Festa. It has been a roller coaster of a ride this past year with a global pandemic. The Coronavirus took from us what we hold so dear but pushed us to think outside the box, which was a good thing. Our family could have not made it through all of this without our Portuguese Community. Thank you so much for all the support you have shown our family and we know we made the right decision. We are truly grateful!
Deborah and I and our family are so honored and humbled to be hosting the 112th Festa do Divino Espírito Santo. We know that we only play a small part in this beautiful event and that without the continuous support of our community our Festa would not be possible. We are extremely excited to continue our journey and work with so many volunteers and familiar faces to bring our community back together again. We offer the 112th Festa to our Portuguese Community so that we may gather again and pay homage to Queen Saint Isabel.
Deborah and I grew up participating in the Festa and have so many fond memories. It has been important for us to carry our traditions, heritage and faith to the Holy Spirit down to our children; teaching them the values of our forefathers. Through the years I have been involved with the UPSES Inc. and Festa as a Board of Director, Past Festa President and volunteer. I knew when our daughter was born that we would be Festa Presidents one day. Even though it did not happen as originally planned we look forward to seeing our vision for our community come true.
We hope we can honor Queen Saint Isabel, The Holy Spirit and our Portuguese Community with a beautiful Festa. We look forward to seeing all of you over this next year making new memories, friendships and having a successful 112th Festa do Espírito Santo.